Unconverted sons and daughters
Unconverted sons and daughters
While children are a gift from the Lord and enrich our lives inestimably, parenting is not for the fainthearted. The rigours of raising children often lead to "hands which hang down and...feeble knees". This is particularly true when the children we have devoted ourselves to do not know the Lord. Wise counsel abounds as to what we should do as parents but where is one to find encouragement when nothing seems to be working. From the Scriptures and from Christian history the author seeks to minister to such parents and to "strengthen their hand in God".
About the Author:
Born and raised in South Africa, Carl Muller came to faith in Christ in his late teens and prepared for the ministry at Tyndale Bible College and Seminary. He has been in Christian ministry for over thirty years and is presently serving as pastor of Trinity Baptist Church in Burlington, Ontario. He also lectures on homiletics at Toronto Baptist Seminary. Carl is married and he and his wife Heather have four children and two grandsons.