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Amy Ellison

Help! I'm a Step Parent

Help! I'm a Step Parent

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ISBN: 9781846257988

This booklet is written to encourage all step-parents.
The author points to the fact that the Lord Jesus was known as the ‘carpenter’s son’, a huge encouragement as Joseph was, of course, Jesus’ step-father.
As step-parents we need affirmation in the dignity that God has put on this role even if it can, at times, feel like a struggle.


Amy Ellison grew up in Birmingham, but now lives in the South of England with her husband and step-sons.
She works as a Secondary teacher of Modern Languages.


‘I commend this small book to you, especially if you are, or will be, a step‑parent. Here is a fresh, honest sharing by the author in reflecting on her experience marrying a Christian man with children.
This is very readable, engaging, wellillustrated but also rooted in major biblical principles.
Read this relevant book!’
Rev. Dr D. Eryl Davies,
Author and former Theological College Principal

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