Christmas Evans
Christmas Evans Evans (1766-1838) was described by D. M. Lloyd-Jones as 'the greatest preacher that the Baptists have ever had in Great Britain'. This remarkable one-eyed Welshman came from humble beginnings to exercise powerful preaching ministries throughout Wales, particularly in Anglesey and the North. In this thoroughly researched biography, Tim Shenton paints an honest picture of Christmas Evans, not excusing or overlooking his faults, but demonstrating how this gentle and humble man, who possessed the spirit of prayer to a remarkable degree, was used by God for the extension of his kingdom in Wales.
Tim Shenton lecture on Christmas Evans
About the author
Tim Shenton is the head teacher of St Martin’s School and an elder at Lansdowne Baptist Church, Bournemouth, England. He is married with two daughters. He has written twenty books, and researched extensively on church history, specializing in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. His published works by Day One include Heroes of revival, Our perfect God, Jesus in Luke’s Gospel and two other selections of children’s daily readings, expositional commentaries on some of the Minor Prophets, John Rogers—Sealed with blood, and Opening up 1 Thessalonians.